Sunday, May 17, 2009

Text of second Brett for VP election leaflet

Why I Won't Accept More Than the Average TCAP Wage-

A number of people have asked me why I’ve made a pledge to not accept more than the average wage of a TCAP worker. I see it as a way of proving my commitment to our membership. I think that in order to genuinely represent someone, no leader should be making more than the average wage.

I’m running for Vice President because we’ve seen an explosion of inequality in society. Workers have been under attack while the bankers and CEOs responsible for this crisis get millions in bonuses. Unfortunately, our unions have proven unable to organize a fight against this, partly because 6-figure salaries of some officials put them out of touch with their rank and file members.

I believe it’s important to lead by example, to show a willingness to make personal sacrifice for our membership. If someone isn’t living and working in the same conditions, how can they defend you? Is it any wonder that Ron Gettelfinger, who made over $160,000 last year, thinks it’s okay to pay a worker $14/hour?

We now have three different wage tiers in our factory. This as an attempt by the company to divide us, which makes it easier to further attack all of our wages, benefits and jobs. This is why I organized opposition to the introduction of two-tier wages in 2007.

If elected, I will fight to raise everybody’s wages. But if the company hires more TCAP workers at entry-level wages and the average goes down, I will voluntarily cut my pay. I will donate the rest to a suitable labor or community organization.

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